Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Caffeine-Free Energy Boost

{picture via]

I'm slightly (read: very) addicted to Starbucks; but unfortunately I can't feed it to my iPhone, to which I am also slightly (read: extremely) addicted.  And while those coffee beans power me through the day, my poor phone is sucked of energy by 9pm at night.

Especially when I'm traveling.  Of which I'm doing a lot of for work.  And now for the wedding, which is taking place on Long Island. And I'm based in DC.  So you can imagine, between airplane delays, down time on the Amtrak trains, waiting for the metro and sitting in cabs... I have to find ways to keep myself (and my antsy fingers) occupied.  Great for my twitter feed, not so great for my phone's battery.

I thought I would have to monitor my iPhone activities, limiting the amount of time I spent on the apps so as not to totally drain the life out of the device.  But then my fabulous, former boss sent me the Energizer AP1500.  

This accessory has changed my life.  Oh. My. God.  It is so incredible.  I just plug my battery-depleted iPhone into the USB-equipped, lightweight case and let it go to town.  Soon, I'm back to tweeting, texting, typing and scrolling without worrying about a battery death. (Blackberry users - they have one for you too!)

My former boss has been elevated to saint status.  
And my iPhone app obsession remains happily intact. 

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